
June 20, 2024


Sergio Crucitti






Details Press Release.

Notizie su Sergio Crucitti a Parma Sergio Crucitti 4tet special guest Ari Roland‏ al Circolo Zerbini Sergio Crucitti 4tet special guest ARI ROLAND. Il sassofonista milanese Sergio Crucitti incontra il Contrabbassista newyorkese ARI Roland proponendo un Concerto dalle atmosfere decisamente hard bob. Ari Roland è un vero e proprio Jazz Ambassador che si è esibito in tutto il. TO LEARN MORE CLICK HERE

Achievements and awards

Artist Bio.

Sergio Crucitti began studying the saxophone at the age of 17 and then perfected himself in the most important Italian Jazz musical institution: Maestro Intra’s Civica Jazz School. He performs in Festivals and important Jazz Clubs and has the opportunity to play and record with world famous soloists including Ashley John Long and Ari Roland just to name a few. Versatile musician who expresses himself equally well with the Tenor and with the Soprano, for several years he has alternated his concert activity with work in the recording studio as a shift worker and arranger for various music labels.