
November 18, 2024









United Kingdom

Details Press Release.

THE PERFECT KISS, somehow, reminds us of FUTURE BIBLE HEROES but also reminds us of AU REVOIR SIMONE, LALI PUNA, ELECTRIC YOUTH, THE POSTAL SERVICE, and even THE HUMAN LEAGUE. Another consequence had meta-musical effects. By using a keyboard as the only recording instrument, with its presets, sounds, and programmed drum machine, they couldn't use a computer quantifier. This means that the recording was deeply organic, and highly technically difficult as far as playing the instrument goes.

Achievements and awards

Joe Moore embraces a certain cynicism and disenchantment with modern society in *The Perfect Kiss*. Fittingly, the album’s title nods to Henry Alex Rubin’s remarkable film. This collection of songs explores themes of escaping the chaos of the world around us (“I want to pause the world in motion, and mute the chaos of this town”), rejecting trends perpetuated by social media, TV, and radio, and reflecting on a fast-paced, shallow, and artificial world. The only song about genuine love, “Flicker,” seeks signs of hope and the possibility of a brighter future. This standout album expands Joe Moore’s musical identity, blending influences ranging from New Order and The Magnetic Fields to Ladytron, Saint Etienne, and Pet Shop Boys.

Artist Bio.

THE PERFECT KISS is a new project led by the multifaceted Joe Moore, whom many of you already know from his “classic pop” facet fronting projects like THE YEARNING and Lia Pamina. THE PERFECT KISS is another exercise in composition and arrangements for our Brit, but this time with a radically different register so this time it is electro-pop, recorded with only a keyboard from 1985 – the Yamaha PortaSound PSS-450. Using only a keyboard to record has countless consequences. Obviously, it affected the sound – minimal, delicate, but agile and with a profoundly pop spirit. The thing is Joe Moore reminds us more and more of Stephin Merrit, for his versatility, his openness and prolificacy.