
November 18, 2024








United States of America

Details Press Release.

Alex and Clara met during a study program in Japan. When they returned home, each ended up on opposite coasts of the United States (Connecticut and California), yet they decided to start making music together from a distance. It sounds like the plot of a novel, but it’s not—it’s the origin story of GALAXY FINGERS, a band influenced by doo-wop, shoegaze, post-punk, folk, and slowcore. Equally inspired by COCTEAU TWINS, PRETEND, Laura Marling, and THE MAGNETIC FIELDS, their chemistry was so strong that they felt compelled to record their songs. Clara recorded vocals on the East Coast, while the rest was produced on the West Coast, with Brad Lee, a member of THE ALBUM LEAF, overseeing the process. The result is their debut EP, *“Let In Elijah EP.”*

Achievements and awards

“I Need Therapy,” with its vocal interplay, places us somewhere near SLOWDIVE and MOJAVE 3, while the lazy rhythms and drums evoke the beloved sound of GALAXIE 500. Hints of 1950s melodies and arrangements reveal the broad spectrum of influences embraced by this American duo. “Clap For Them” slows the tempo, diving into exquisite, delicate folk. The seamless blending of two voices that sound like one shines again, complemented by playful guitar arrangements that heighten the song’s dreamlike quality and intensify a track destined to be a fragile gem.

Artist Bio.

Clara and Alex met in Japan during a study abroad program. After they left Japan, they ended up on opposite sides of the US and remotely wrote music for what would become Let In Elijah and The Last Bastion Of Fox Quality. Both releases were recorded at SDRL in San Diego by Brad Lee. Let In Elijah was mixed and mastered by Brad Lee. The Last Bastion Of Fox Quality was mixed by Jerik Centeno and mastered by Chris Hobson. Galaxy Finger’s first full length album God’s Still Mad About Watergate debuted on May 31st, 2024. Mixed and mastered by Rusty Santos (Animal Collective, Panda Bear, Dirty Projectors, Grizzly Bear, Beach House).